🏆 Prizes

The challenges offer the following awards

  1. The top ten performing teams will be invited to participate in a challenge paper. The top-5 teams can have up to 5 co-authors each, while the 6th to 10th place teams can have up to 3 co-authors each. In the paper, we will publish a substantial summary of the challenge results.
  2. Thank to the initiative of the BASIRA lab  and in collaboration with MICCAI PRIME Workshop.  All the teams that made to final phase will have the opportunities to have their challenge paper published  in the International Workshop on PRedictive Intelligence In MEdicine Part of the book series: Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS). For more detail please refer to the following page.   
  3. The top 5 teams will received a certificate of achievement.
  4. 🤑 Also we currently seeking for sponsor to secure cash prize money for the top 3 teams 🤑.