Submission guide

📤 How to make submission ?

Our challenges is divided in two tasks

Participants can participate to one or both tasks. However for the final ranking only teams with a correct solution for both task will be considered. 

For both task there is two phases:

The preliminary phase: We will provide the training data along side with label  and validation without label to participant that have signed the following form. In this phase we ask participants,  to submit a .csv directly in the platform. You can look our github page to further details about to submit.  This phase will allow us to select finalist for the next phases.

The final phase: In this phase we ask the selected participants to submits their algorithm packed in docker format. You can find more details to how perform this in our github page.

We wish you the best of luck in your submission ! If you have encounter any issues in the submission process  do not hesitate to raise an issue in the github of challenge page or to directly contact us at the following email adresse